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NSX Naginata

NSX Naginata: Highly Technical Weapon Guide

Wrel’s video review.

NSX Naginata is a new cross-faction LMG, and the first weapon in upcoming Nanite System Exports lineup of weapons, that are intended to be hard, but rewarding to use, and they will all probably have some sort of a unique mechanical quirk.

In case of NSX Naginata, the quirk is the accuracy of sustained fire, as long as you stand still.

It’s worth noting that Naginata doesn’t share the NS weapon trait of 75% ADS speed. Same as most other LMGs, Naginata has 0.5x ADS Movement Speed multiplier.



Damage output

Naginata’s maximum bullet damage of 150 and Rate of Fire of 659 are slightly unorthodox, but still very similar to some other LMGs that do 143 damage at 652 RoF.

Naginata deals 1647 DPS within maximum damage range, and 1372 DPS at minimum damage range and further. 

This is slightly below average, but comparable to other weapons that rely on accurate shooting. 

With 90 rounds per magazine and fast reload, Naginata can just keep firing without much downtime.

Bullets to Kill and Time to Kill

As you would expect, an LMG with just one tier of damage degradation and a relatively high RoF will experience a smooth performance decline as range and enemy defenses increase.

Due to the fact that Naginata’s damage degradation starts at 150, and the closest bullet damage threshold is 143, Naginata’s bullet-to-kill values remain more consistent within 0 – 25m bracket. 

Tables below are mostly just for reference.

Description Effective Health Bullets to Kill (Time to Kill, seconds)
7 (0.55) 8 (0.64) 9 (0.73) 10 (0.82) 11 (0.91)
Default 1000 0 – 25 26+      
Aux. Shield 1050 0 – 10 11 – 51 52+    
Full Nano 1250     0 – 34 35+  
Full Nano + Aux.Shield 1300      0 – 19  20 – 51 52+

Naginata has standard Headshot Damage Multiplier of 2x and requires 4 headshots to kill within 51m. Aux. Shield adds an extra headshot at 52m+, but at that kind of range it’s irrelevant.

Heavy Assaults

Description Effective Health Bullets to Kill (Time to Kill, seconds)
10 (0.82) 11 (0.91) 12 (1.00) 13 (1.09) 14 (1.18) 15 (1.27)
NMG 1437 0 – 23 24 – 52 53+      
NMG + Aux.Shield 1487 0 – 12 13 – 42 43+      
Resist 1538    0 – 32 33 – 56 57+    
Resist + Aux.Shield 1616    0 – 16 17 – 43 44+    
NMG + Nanoweave 1796     0 – 10 11 – 36 37 – 57 58+
NMG + Nano + Aux.Shield 1858       0 – 25 26 – 48 49+

Naginata requires 5 – 7 headshots to kill a Heavy Assault, depending on distance and shield type. 

Cone of Fire and Bloom


Hip Fire CoFs

Naginata has unremarkable hip fire accuracy. Relatively high RoF adds a bit of consistency, and Naginata will not perform absolutely horribly in a pinch, but you still should try to stay away from hip firing distances, and be careful when storming buildings in first lines.


Naginata’s starting ADS CoFs leave a lot to be desired. 

Standing moving accuracy of 0.4 is more or less normal for LMGs, especially on those that rely on volume of fire. 

But 0.15 stationary starting CoF is comparably bad.

Just a 0.05 degree difference from the common standard of 0.1 is not a big deal, but overall it means Naginata will have trouble reliably hitting far away or small targets even with the first few shots of the burst.

Advanced CoF Mechanics

This is where it gets interesting.

When standing still and aiming down sights, Naginata’s maximum CoF will be much smaller than usual.

Normally, maximum CoF is 3 degrees for ADS and 7 degrees for hip firing.

But Naginata is different:

Maximum ADS CoF while standing still: 0.6
Maximum ADS CoF while crouching still: 0.4
Maximum Hip Fire CoF while standing still: 4.25

In other words, Naginata will only bloom for the first 5 shots while staying still.

As a result, Naginata can provide relatively accurate sustained fire. 

But there is another effect.

As you may know from Rule 1 of Advanced CoF Mechanics, if you change stances and your Current CoF is larger than Maximum CoF for your new stance, your Current CoF will reduce to match the Maximum CoF.

So if you fire on the move and bloom your CoF too much, instead of stopping your burst you can stop moving for a moment to “reset” your CoF.

So with Naginata you could use stutter stepping instead of burst firing to boost accuracy on the move.  Or even crouch. 


As pulled from DBG API by planetstats, here are Naginata’s recoil stats:

Vertical Recoil: 0.8
Recoil Angle: -1.5 / 1.5
Horizontal Recoil: 0.16 / 0.16
Horizontal Recoil Tolerance: 0.4 (max 2 bounces in one direction)
First Shot Recoil Multiplier: 1.8x
Recoil Decrease: 13

Naginata has very high vertical recoil, even larger than notorious Gauss SAW, which has Vertical Recoil of 0.55 and fires much slower. 

Recoil angle is largely irrelevant and horizontal recoil pattern is very tight. 

Recoil Decrease is slightly above average for LMGs, but coupled with very high Vertical Recoil Per Second, burst-firing Naginata can prove challenging. 

Battling the vertical recoil is pretty much the main thing you will be doing while using this weapon.

Effective range

Naginata has a carbine-tier Projectile Velocity. 490 m/s is very low for an LMG.

Coupled with below average ADS accuracy, relatively low bullet damage and very high vertical recoil, Naginata will have limited effective range, despite very tight horizontal recoil, and even if you stand still. 

Going outside effective range

As long as you can stand still and fire from safe cover, Naginata will remain relatively effective in engaging exposed enemies, even if they are too far for comfort. 

Since Naginata can unleash and sustain a large volume of fire, you are bound to kill the enemy, eventually. You will have to compensate for bullet drop and bullet travel time, though.



Due to high vertical recoil and limited effective range, it is better to stick to 1x scopes.

2x should be usable, but unnecessary. If the target is too far away to be comfortably engaged with 1x scope, it is probably outside your effective range anyway.


The default choice here should be the Forward Grip. While Naginata already has great horizontal recoil by default, it is the only thing limiting your accuracy.

In theory, you can compensate for 100% of the vertical recoil, you have “locked” CoF while standing still, and there is no recoil angle variance. 

So using a Forward Grip will increase your maximum potential accuracy. 

Extended Mags only increase magazine size by 45 rounds (+50%), while most other LMGs get +100% bonus. 

With a very fast reload and risks associated with sustained fire, you are unlikely to need more than 90 rounds at a time, making Ex. Mags not valuable.

Naginata’s LMG-tier hip fire accuracy and increased hip fire bloom make Laser Sight and hip firing in general not very viable.


Naginata has access to Flash Suppressor and Compensator.

Both are viable, but in this case Compensator is much more useful

While one could make an argument that removing muzzle flash would conceal your position and let you stand still and go full auto with more safety, it’s still dangerous and bound to attract attention of enemy snipers.

To avoid being killed too fast, you would want to activate overshield in advance, turning yourself into a big glowing target, and then removing the muzzle flash doesn’t do much.

Compensator will reduce the harsh vertical recoil, which is probably the most valuable effect you could get from an attachment for Naginata.


Naginata has access to both SPA and HVA

Naginata Ammo Attachments
image is clickable

Due to unusual maximum damage of 150, Naginata doesn’t suffer an immediate penalty to bullets-to-kill when going outside maximum damage range.

As opposed to some other weapons, where increasing maximum damage range from 10m to 15m is a big deal, it is not for Naginata. 

As you can see on the graph, SPA will improve performance in 10m – 30m bracket, while HVA will improve performance in 30m – 85m bracket.

Both offer very small bonuses of up to 1.5% (SPA) and 5.2% (HVA) damage increase in best case scenario. Both are viable, but with Naginata being a relatively close range weapon, SPA will probably be more useful

Optimal engagement

The ideal engagement for NSX Naginata is somewhat reminiscent of MCG Mini-Chaingun, where you would want to spin it up, and then abuse the static ADS CoF to take out multiple enemies. 

The main difference is that NSX Naginata has to be stationary, but actually has accuracy to feasibly kill people at range. 

So with NSX Naginata you would want to find a position with good cover and minimal exposure, open only in a small arc in front of you, so you can sit still and fire with relative safety, and mow down exposed enemies as they come by.

Naginata makes a great defensive LMG, or when moving from cover to cover. But you absolutely don’t want to stand still and fire out in the open. Even with overshields, it’s just suicide. 

Don’t get stuck on “optimal”!

Don’t get dragged into line of thinking that you need to be always stationary while using Naginata. It is slightly not as good on the move as other LMGs, that’s it. And you can compensate for it with burst firing or stutter stepping.

Most of the time, especially when you’re under fire, you will still want to move while firing.

Only stand still to engage when you have full health and overshield energy, and only behind cover, and preferably when you engage first. 

Recommended Heavy Assault Loadout

In order to live up to Naginata’s high uptime, you will need a loadout that leaves you with the least downtime, and makes you tanky at the same time.

The cheapest, easiest to use and the most reliable combination would be Advanced Shield Capacitor with Resist Shield and Med Kits

With a combo like that, you spend the minimal amount of time recovering in cover, and the most effectively engaging enemy from cover, which is where both the Naginata and Resist Shield thrive the most.

Battle Hardened seems like a good implant to combine with all of that, to give you more potential to outshoot the enemy while tanking their fire. 

The rest of the loadout is up to situation and preference.

A minute of sad realism

Naginata is pretty much a heavily nerfed LMG with a ton of vertical recoil and a gimmick that you won’t be able to use in the majority of normal engagements. 

Like Phaseshift, it’s a cute little weapon, but alternatives are more reliable and much simpler to use. 

If you’re looking for effective, simple, tried and true, you should stay away from Naginata.

If you’re looking for high skill cap / high reward weapon, a weapon that could take months to master, but if mastered would slay legions before you…

… you should still stay away from Naginata.

If you’re a tired and bored veteran and a weapon mechanics nut, if just “killing” enemies heats your blood no longer, and now it’s more about “how” you kill enemies – then Naginata can add color to a few evenings. 

Nonetheless, it is a good attempt, and it is very inspiring to see developers bend the borders of conventional weapon mechanics like that, and I look forward to using the Naginata and other upcoming NSX weapons.

The guide is now concluded, feel free to comment or ask questions below.

Adding Naginata into Weapon Simulator

If you want to add NSX Naginata into my Weapon Simulator, add this string to the end of the Stats.csv file, which you can open with Windows Notepad:

804249,NSX Naginata,NS,LMG,150,10,125,65,1,91,1,0.55s / 0.64s / 0.64s,,-,90,450,4000,2800,0.5,0.12,0.06,3,2.25,4.5,5,4,0.15,0.15,0.4,0.35,-1.5,1.5,0.8,0.16,0.16,0.4,1.8,13,Auto,0

Keep in mind that it won’t properly simulate Naginata’s CoF mechanics, but you can still use it to check out TTK at various ranges or compare attachments.

battle rifle art

Battle Rifles

Battle Rifles are semi-auto precision weapons, available to all classes except Light Assault. They are the middle ground between “long range” automatic weapons, and slow-firing semi-automatic precision weapons, such as Semi Auto Sniper Rifles and Scout Rifles.

Compared to these weapons, Battle Rifles deal less damage, but remain more accurate while moving and during sustained fire, and have less damage degradation over range. From the mechanical standpoint, Battle Rifles are among the most consistent weapons in the game.

Battle Rifle Mechanics

Battle Rifles benefit from a lot of mechanics that make it easier to maintain accuracy, regardless if you’re going for accurate tap shots, or just spamming the weapon. No matter what you do with them, Battle Rifles just refuse to become inaccurate. 

Negative Recoil Recovery Delay allows to start recovering recoil before they can take another shot, and higher Recoil Recovery Rate increases the speed of that process.

Comparatively low Vertical Recoil makes it easier to keep the crosshair on target while spamming shots.

Increased Cone of Fire Recovery Rate allows to fully reset CoF between shots almost instantaneously. CoF Bloom effectively has no effect on Battle Rifles, unless you specifically try to achieve maximum RoF.

Cone of Fire Bloom itself is low, and Maximum ADS CoF is tiny. So even if you manage to fire the weapon at maximum RoF  it will still remain nearly as accurate.

VS Battle Rifles have no bullet drop, and for these weapons this trait is actually useful for a change, as it allows them to reliably snipe stationary targets even at extreme ranges. 

First Generation Battle Rifles

DAMAGE 250 @ 15m – 225 @ 75m
313 RPM when Tap Firing
VELOCITY 600 m/s
AMMO 20 / 120
RELOAD TIME 2.5 sec / 3.4 sec
UNLOCK COST 325Certification Pointsor 250 Daybreak Cash

First Generation Battle Rifles have the highest Rate of Fire among semi-auto precision weapons, and can fire up to 5.5 rounds per second. You would think that it makes them easier to use, but the relatively low damage per shot actually makes them more demanding; they need to shoot faster to have a competitive time to kill.

/u/ALN-Isolator gives a good run down on the current state of 1st Gen Battle Rifles in this reddit post.

Eidolon VE33 has 30 m/s lower velocity to compensate for its no-bullet-drop trait.



Eidolon VE33

-30 m/s velocity, no bullet drop


  • Low unlock cost of 325 certs.
  • More or less usable at any range.
  • Good hip fire accuracy for a semi auto precision weapon.
  • Can be an effective counter-sniping weapon, as it kills non-NAC Infiltrators with 2 headshots at all ranges.
  • Has access to underbarrel Grenade Launcher and Smoke Launcher without much of an opportunity cost, as other rail attachments don’t do much for Battle Rifles.


  • Ineffective in direct combat, especially against automatic weapons at close range.
  • Takes a lot of shots to kill.


Battle Rifle Damage
Click to enlarge

Within maximum damage range (15m stock):

  • Consistent 2 headshot kill
  • 4 body shot kill, 5 shot vs nanoweave

Outside maximum damage range:

  • 3 headshot kill
  • 5 body shot kill, 6 shot vs full nanoweave


Exact effects of each attachment can be found in this Weapon Attachment Guide.

1st Gen Battle Rifles have a diverse attachment selection. In addition to all barrel attachments, and standard choice of rail attachments Laser SightForward GripDarklight Flashlight, Battle Rifles can mount Underbarrel Smoke Launcher and Underbarrel Grenade Launcher, and choose from scopes of 1x through 6x, including HS/NV scope.

High Velocity Ammo is available, but it has nearly no effect on Battle Rifles due to their damage model. 

Example Attachment Combinations


  • Flash Suppressor
  • Underbarrel Grenade Launcher
  • 2x Scope or up to preference
  • No HVA.

This setup is the most versatile, and remains effective at almost any range. It’s especially great on Infiltrators, who can take advantage of their cloaking ability, and easily chain multiple engagements at range. For non-HAs, UBGL provides some situational utility, especially against vehicles.

Long Range

  • High Velocity Ammunition
  • Compensator* or Flash Suppressor
  • Forward Grip – mostly taken to reduce recoil angle
  • 3.4x – 4x scope
    • 6x would limit your ability to defend yourself at close-medium range.

This setup improves Battle Rifle’s ability to maintain accuracy at long range, but makes it harder to effectively use them in CQC.

This setup is recommended for players that want to develop the skill of instantly ADSing for headshots in any situation. Also great for open field fights, basically turning Battle Rifle into poor man’s Sniper Rifle.

* – Compensator has next to no effect on your tap firing speed. Only take Compensator if you intend to spam shots while pushing through recoil, which has arguable effectiveness due to CoF Bloom. 

“Wrelsatility 2014”

  • High Velocity Ammunition
  • Flash Suppressor
  • Laser Sight
  • Scope of choice

This setup was Wrel’s personal favorite some time ago. Reasoning: while Battle Rifles benefit from Forward Grip and Compensator, they are far from necessary, especially at ranges where you can actually spam the weapon. 

Battle Rifles have a decent hip fire by default, and if you use it with Laser Sight, and avoid Compensator, you’ll have almost as good hip fire as a stock carbine, which is rather impressive for a 250 damage per shot weapon. 

Flash Suppressor provides concealment, especially at night. Granted, not as good as suppressor would, but Suppressor has a strong negative effect on velocity, which makes BR much harder to use at range.

This setup is recommended for players that tend to run a lot by themselves, and enjoy having an option to hip fire.

Smoke Launcher

The core idea behind this loadout is straightforward: cover enemies with smoke, and use HS/NV scope to kill them through smoke while concealing your muzzle flash and making yourself harder to notice.

The major problem with this loadout is that it completely relies on smoke, which is rather underpowered at this moment, you can read more about that here.

HS/NV scope only highlights enemies within ~80m, which essentially cuts Battle Rifle’s effective range in half. 

Gameplay Tips

With a Battle Rifle, you generally want to stay with your team and be right behind the front line. 500-450 headshots at 333 rpm are insane if you can manage the vertical recoil, but never try to fight the enemy when you’re under fire. 

Be very careful and maintain awareness of your surroundings. If the enemy gets the jump on you, more often than not, it will be a loss for you.

Be ready to ADS if you suspect enemies are near, because you need to fire first. Ideally, you want to always open with a headshot.

Flanking is generally a good idea if you can get behind enemy lines safely; 2-5 shots to kill means you’re more likely to die rather than run out of ammo.

You never want to force close quarters fights, but you can still win them with headshots. 

Due to Battle Rifle’s high damage / low rate of fire profile, shielded Heavy Assaults are your worst enemy.

Choose your engagements and positioning around the scope you have. 2x means you can stay near the frontline, whereas 3.4x-4x means you want to stay a bit behind it. It also makes it easier to pick off snipers, but sacrifices your CQC ability.

Battle Rifles are decent mid/long range anti-MAX weapons, as you can strip ~half their health in one mag. You won’t kill many full-strength MAXes, but you’ll certainly make them run for cover, even at rather long ranges (150-200m). If you see a MAX trying to run away from a fight, try your best to shoot him. Often they’re hurt enough that only 3-4 shots will kill them.


Second Generation Battle Rifles

These Battle Rifles have unique models created by the famous D0ku. All of them feature pinpoint accuracy while moving, and high damage per shot without any damage degradation whatsoever. That makes them deadly at any range, though low Rate of Fire and low Damage per Second mean that they require good accuracy from the user, especially in direct combat, and fairly mediocre projectile velocity makes them slightly harder to use at extreme ranges.

Second Gen Battle Rifles are overall similar between factions, but there are some meaningful differences and interesting empire-specific attachments.

MG-HBR1 Dragoon

VELOCITY 550 m/s
AMMO 8 / 96
RELOAD TIME 2 sec / 3.1 sec
UNLOCK COST 1000Certification Pointsor 699 Daybreak Cash


Dragoon is the only automatic Battle Rifle, though it still has the same Rate of Fire as other Second Generation Battle Rifles. Considering that it fires ~3 shots per second, being fully automatic doesn’t really do anything for this weapon.

Due to high Hip CoF Bloom, Dragoon is not well suited for hip firing, even at close ranges and even with Laser Sight

In addition to classic Flash Suppressor, Dragoon has access to a unique Single-Fire Barrel attachment, which reduces Vertical Recoil by 20% to 0.64 and makes the weapon semi-automatic, putting it more or less on par with other 2nd gen Battle Rifles in terms of recoil management.

In automatic mode, Dragoon’s crosshair lingers in the air for a long time, which can potentially make it slightly easier to correct aim while engaging moving targets. However, the delay before Recoil Recovery starts isn’t that big, and the only thing it really does is make Dragoon worse at tap firing.

In semi-auto mode, the crosshair fully recenters between shots, removing the requirement to compensate for recoil to keep the crosshair on target.

Heavy Magazine is a unique Ammo Slot attachment that increases magazine size by 2 rounds at the cost of increasing Hip Fire CoFs by 20%. This penalty can be compensated by using Laser Sight, not that you should do something like that. Dragoon already has fairly poor Hip Fire accuracy, so Heavy Magazine should be your go-to attachment.

Impact Ammunition

Explosive Ammunition is a unique Ammo attachment that reduces Dragoon’s Direct Damage from 334 to 250 (minus 84) and adds up to 75 Indirect Damage within 1.5m, so it will deal up to 325 damage per shot. 

Indirect Damage: 75 @ 1.5m – 25 @ ~3m, Damage Resist Type 6

Explosive Ammo Max Range

The difference appears to be small, but it’s actually enough to make full health enemies require an extra shot to kill, which is a big deal for such a slow-firing weapon.

A full health enemy will take 2-3 magazines worth of ammo to kill with just the splash damage, so its power isn’t exactly mindblowing, but there is some legitimate utility in being able to damage an enemy who’s out of your direct line of sight. 

Splash damage to allies is reduced by 75%.

Attachment Recommendations

  • The “killing” build uses Single Fire Barrel and Heavy Magazine to bring the Dragoon closer to other 2nd gen Battle Rifles.
  • The “support” build uses Flash Suppressor and Explosive Ammo to harass enemies behind cover, while still being able to deal heavy damage with direct hits.
  • You can, of course, use Flash Suppressor with Heavy Magazine, if you feel the recoil in automatic mode is not a hindrance.
  • Forward Grip is recommended for builds that use automatic firemode. It doesn’t do much, but it’s better than other rail attachments.
  • Single Fire build doesn’t care about recoil, so you may as well run a Laser Sight, though you shouldn’t be hip firing often with this weapon.

MGR-M1 Bishop

VELOCITY 550 m/s
AMMO 10 / 100
RELOAD TIME 2.2 sec / 3.25 sec
UNLOCK COST 1000Certification Pointsor 699 Daybreak Cash


Bishop has less recoil than other 2nd gen Battle Rifles, and its bullets will pierce through one enemy, meaning it can damage up to 2 enemies with one shot. 

Weighted Receiver

In addition to classic Flash Suppressor, Bishop has access to a unique Tungsten Liner attachment, which slightly increases damage at close range at the cost of increasing Vertical Recoil by 200% and Horizontal Recoil by 0.05.

Damage: 350 @ 10m – 334 @ 20m.

Comfort Grip is a rare variant of the Forward Grip that reduces Equip and Unequip Times and Horizontal Recoil, but reduces Hip Fire accuracy.

Sabot Ammunition is the unique Ammo attachment that gives Bishop’s rounds the ability to pierce an unlimited number of targets instead of just 1, but reduces effective Rate of Fire by 10%. This is a rather concrete penalty for a situational benefit. In actual gameplay, it’s hard to find specific situations to benefit from piercing even one target. Consider situationally equipping Sabot Ammo in especially large fights, full of crowded choke points.

VE-LR Obelisk

VELOCITY 550 m/s
AMMO* 6/ ∞
RELOAD* 3 sec*
UNLOCK COST 1000Certification Pointsor 699 Daybreak Cash

* – uses Heat Mechanic.


Obelisk is overall similar to other 2nd Gen Battle Rifles, but instead of traditional ammunition it uses a Heat Mechanic. It also benefits from lack of bullet drop at no cost to Projectile Velocity, as well as slightly better Hip Fire accuracy.

Heat Mechanic

Firing the Obelisk accumulates Heat, at a rate of 1000 per shot. If you don’t take another shot right away, then in 0.4 seconds since your last shot, the weapon will start cooling down, at Heat Recovery Rate of 3000 per second.

It takes 1.66 + 0.4 = 2.06 seconds to fully recover heat from 5 shots, assuming you don’t allow the weapon to cool down between shots.

Reloading the Heat Core can be done manually at any time, and it will take 3 seconds. A reload is triggered automatically if you overheat the weapon by accumulating more than 5999 Heat. It’s always faster to let the weapon cool down naturally, and reloading manually is always a mistake and should be avoided, unless you’re using Manual Calibration attachment.

If you swap to another inventory item, Obelisk will passively cool down in your inventory, unless it is overheated, in which case you will still have to reload the Heat Core the next time you equip the Obelisk.


Enhanced Plasma Containment is just a Flash Suppressor under a different name.

Vented Power Core

Safety Override is a unique rail attachment that improves Obelisks’s Hip Fire Accuracy by 25%, like a Laser Sight. When Hip Fired, it also makes the weapon fully automatic, doubles Rate of Fire, but halves the damage and Heat per Shot. 

Hip Fire Damage: 167 @ 368 RPM (still 1024 DPS)
Hip Fire CoFs: 1.88 / 2.25 / 2.25 / 2.63

Obelisk has better Hip Fire accuracy than other 2nd Gen Battle Rifles by default, and Safety Override improves it to almost usable levels. It’s still not a very good idea to hip fire it outside of very close ranges, since you can fire only 12 shots before overheating, and DPS is very low.

Manual Calibration is a unique rail attachment that increases the amount of consecutive shots you can take without overheating by 4 at the cost of reducing Heat Recovery Rate by 25%. 

This attachment significantly affects Obelisk’s heat dynamics. If you fire only a few shots at a time, then Manual Calibration is a detriment, and will increase the time it takes to cool down by up to ~0.6 seconds for 5 shots. However, without Manual Calibration you can’t take more than 5 shots without overheating the weapon in the first place. 

If you take more than 5 shots with Manual Calibration, it will take less time to cool down than Default, while still allowing you to keep firing. 

If you take more than 6 shots, manually reloading the Obelisk is faster than letting it cool down, although this will make you unable to fire during the reload process. 

Overall, Manual Calibration significantly increases the “skill cap” of heat management, providing you with plenty of opportunities to shave off half second here and there, but at the same time with the same amount of opportunities to metaphorically shoot yourself in the foot.

If you never overheat the Obelisk, then by default it can fire slightly more rounds-per-minute than with Manual Calibration. Whether you should use Manual Calibration is likely to depend more on playstyle than anything, since there are clear upsides and downsides, though on paper upsides do outweigh the downsides. Tying Obelisk without this attachment, and consider using it if you overheat it often.

Obelisk Defaul vs Manual Calibration
Click to enlarge

Directive Reward Battle Rifles

The only way to get one of these rifles is to complete the Scout Rifles Directive.

These prestige copies of First Generation Battle Rifles have a cosmetic auraxium shader and a predetermined set of attachments: Forward Grip, Compensator and HVA. These attachments have slightly different effects:

  • HVA has no penalty to Minimum Damage Range and its bonus to velocity varies between factions. 
  • Forward Grip has no effect on Recoil Angle

Directive rifles themselves have a bit of faction flavor as well:

  • TR rifle gets larger magazine.
  • VS rifle gets faster reload, but slightly more Vertical Recoil.
  • NC rifle gets higher velocity.

Despite all of that, directive Battle Rifles still play very similar to their base versions. 


DAMAGE 250 @ 15m – 225 @ 95m
324 RPM when Tap Firing
VELOCITY 650 m/s
AMMO 22 / 132
RELOAD TIME 2.5 sec / 3.4 sec

GD Guardian

DAMAGE 250 @ 15m – 225 @ 95m
324 RPM when Tap Firing
VELOCITY 680 m/s
AMMO 20 / 120
RELOAD TIME 2.5 sec / 3.4 sec


DAMAGE 250 @ 15m – 225 @ 95m
316 RPM when Tap Firing
VELOCITY 620 m/s
AMMO 20 / 120
RELOAD TIME 2 sec / 2.9 sec


Thanks to /u/Davregis for his original Battle Rifle Guide that was used as a basis for this article, however since then it received so many edits that nearly none of the original content remains.