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NSX Tengu Highly Technical

NSX Tengu: Highly Technical Weapon Guide

NSX Tengu is an SMG, available to all classes. It is an unusual hybrid between a shotgun and an SMG: Tengu fires four pellets with each shot, each pellet dealing minor damage. Pellet spread is significantly reduced while aiming down sights to boost the effective range to reasonable levels. 

Tengu excels at consistently dealing damage to enemies, even against mobile targets, or when the user makes aiming mistakes. This makes Tengu a perfect weapon for newbies and low-aim players. 

Due to large pellet spread from the hip, Tengu has worse hip fire than other SMGs, almost always requiring the user to aim down sights.


NSX Tengu

Best of Both Worlds

Both SMGs and Shotguns have a number of problems that make them less effective than other CQC primary weapons. 

Shotguns fire multiple pellets with each shot, so they can easily inflict some damage with each shot. However, their Time to Kill is balanced around hitting nearly every pellet, and large Pellet Spread limits their effective range. Unless you’re within a few meters and aim well, any automatic CQC weapon is likely to kill faster. 

They also have relatively low Rate of Fire, so missing a whole shot is extremely punishing.

Shotguns also don’t have Cone of Fire Bloom, so you are expected to fire at maximum rate of fire to make your TTK more competitive. 

To summarize, to be effective with a shotgun in hectic close range combat you are expected to hold your aim pinpoint at enemy’s center mass and click at a very specific rate. Needless to say, this is hard to accomplish even for good players. 

The fact that shotguns easily inflict partial damage doesn’t mean much, because only partial damage will take ages to kill an enemy. 

SMGs have a different set of problems. On average, they have lower DPS than other CQC primary weapons, lower Damage per Magazine, and shorter effective range. The only thing they gain is increased hip fire accuracy, and 75% ADS. And sometimes you can have too much accuracy.

You have to compensate reduced firepower with your own skill, going for headshots and hip fire headshots, and outmaneuver the enemy with your mobility. This creates a significant skill requirement just to make SMGs competitive in CQC.

NSX Tengu is a perfect balance between shotguns and SMGs. Tengu easily inflicts partial damage on targets, but it doesn’t suffer from shotguns’ low RoF and from SMGs’ “too much accuracy”. You can waive Tengu in general direction of the enemy and still kill him in a reasonable amount of time. 

Tengu is inaccurate enough to be effectively used in hectic CQC setting, even by an average player. But it is accurate enough to have about the same effective range as other SMGs. 

Couple that with some very short reloads and decent Damage Per Mag, and you get a rock solid SMG in the end.


NSX Tengu blueprint

Mechanically, Tengu is a shotgun. Feel free to familiarize yourself with Weapon Mechanics and Shotgun Mechanics.

Cone of Fire Bloom. Unlike Shotguns, Tengu does have some CoF Bloom, in line with other 200 damage per shot weapons. Similar to other SMGs, Tengu has the same CoF Bloom for both ADS and Hip Firing.

CoF Bloom Per Point of Damage Done: 3.5 * 10-4

In this regard, Tengu shares the first place with Eridani, which is known for sustained hip fire accuracy. Of course, Pellet Spread will interfere with that a lot, but as far as CoF Bloom mechanics are concerned, Tengu is excellent.

The fact that Tengu fires multiple projectiles with each shot is a double edged sword:


  • Makes it easier to consistently inflict some damage, even when target is actively dodging or the user makes aiming mistakes. This gives Tengu affinity for CQC and makes it friendly towards newbies and low-aim players. 
  • As an additional consequence, Tengu user is less affected by flinch from getting shot, and can be competitive in duels even without Battle Hardened implant.



Damage per Pellet: 50 @ 6m - 36 @ 40m
Pellets per Shot: 4
Damage per Shot: 200 @ 6m = 144 @ 40m

Rate of Fire: 500
Damage Per Second: 1666 - 1200
Headshot Damage Multiplier: 2x

Within maximum damage range, Tengu’s DPS is equal to 200 @ 500 weapon, such as Gauss SAW, which is below average for an SMG.  Considering that optimal DPS is harder to reach for Tengu, it has a comparatively low, but consistent damage output. 

Despite that, in the hands of an average user, Tengu is likely to be more effective and kill faster, just because it is so consistent at dealing damage.

Similar to other 200 damage weapons, Tengu gets hard countered by Nanoweave Armor, which can increase Ideal TTK from 0.48 seconds to 0.72 seconds – that’s 50% TTK increase for 20% damage reduction!

However, Tengu can potentially deal 400 damage with a headshot, and kill an enemy with just three headshots, with a good overkill in case a few pellets miss or hit the body.

Tengu takes 4 body shots or 2 head shots before it can reliably melee combo enemies.


Ammo: 20 / 140
Damage Per Magazine: 50 * 4 * 20 = 4000
Extended Mags: +4 rounds per magazine (+800 DPM)
DPM w/ Ext Mags: 4800
Reload Time: 1.875 sec / 2.5 sec

Tengu has very decent Damage Per Magazine, close to Cyclone’s, which holds the first place among first gen SMGs. Extended Mags provide a noticeable boost, pushing magazine size from “adequate” to “comfortable”. 

Tengu also has quick reloads; the long reload penalty is unusually mild for an SMG. 

Hip Fire Accuracy

Hip Cones of Fire:1.75 / 1.75 / 1.75 / 2.0
(crouching still, crouching moving, standing still, standing moving)
Hip CoF Bloom: 0.07
Pellet Spread Hip: 3.0

Due to large hip fire Pellet Spread, and larger initial Hip Fire CoFs, Tengu has notably worse hip fire than other SMGs. 

Laser Sight

Tengu has access to a unique attachment – Hybrid Laser, which reduces Hip Fire CoFs and Hip Pellet Spread by 20%. It enables the user to hip fire with a bit more liberty, but other SMGs will still have much better Hip Fire accuracy.


Click to enlarge.

On these pictures, each weapon fires 2000 damage. This is 10 shots for NSX Tengu, and 16 shots for GD-10 Blitz. Both weapons are fired from the hip while Standing Moving – the most likely hip firing stance. As you can see, Blitz – and by extension other SMGs – has much more accurate Hip Fire. 

As mentioned, Tengu has below average DPS, and due to large pellet spread, it cannot focus its DPS when firing from the hip, and even with Hybrid Laser you can’t hip fire for headshots outside spitting range.

And with normal, partial body shots, Tengu simply takes too long to kill an enemy from the hip. If the enemy is on the beefy side, and slightly at range, you’re likely to run out of ammunition before killing the enemy, assuming you even live that long.

All of this boils down to – Tengu can be effectively hip fired, even without Hybrid Laser, but with much less freedom than other SMGs. Tengu requires more thoughtful approach. It is preferable to almost always Aim Down Sights, and hip fire only against squishy or weakened targets, or at very close ranges. 

ADS Accuracy and Effective Range

ADS Cones of Fire: 0.15 / 0.17 / 0.15 / 0.32
(crouching still, crouching moving, standing still, standing moving)
ADS CoF Bloom: 0.07
Pellet Spread ADS: 0.75
Velocity: 380 m/s
Projectile Lifespan / Gravity: 1.5 / 11.25

Overall, you can expect Tengu to have about the same effective range as other SMGs, around 20-30m. 

Remember two things:

  • Tengu gets an accuracy boost for staying still or crouching.
  • Tengu fires multiple projectiles, so it benefits from firing at completely exposed targets.

Given right conditions, Tengu can reach out to enemies at longer ranges, especially if they’re not Heavy Assaults. 

However, the reverse is also true. When the target has partial cover, you will need to be closer before you can do any meaningful damage.

Due to relatively large initial Pellet Spread, burst firing is not as important with Tengu as with other weapons, so you can afford to fire in longer bursts. Extremely high First Shot Recoil Multiplier makes shortbursting even less desirable. 

Tengu has slightly less Damage Degradation than other SMGs, losing 28% of damage over 29m. For comparison, 125 damage SMGs lose 33% of damage over 31m (assuming SPA on both).

Overall, Tengu has surprisingly decent effective range for an “automatic shotgun”. 


NSX Tengu recoil pattern
NSX Tengu recoil pattern

Vertical Recoil: 0.4
Vertical Recoil Per Second: 3.33

First Shot Recoil Multiplier: 3.5x
Recoil Angle: -5 / 5
Horizontal Recoil: 0.25 / 0.25
Horizontal Recoil Tolerance: 0.6
Average Horizontal Deviation: 0.205
Maximum Horizontal Deviation: 0.5
Recoil Recovery Delay: 120
Recoil Recovery Rate: 18

Tengu has high vertical recoil for an SMG, but it’s fairly average overall. However, Tengu has extremely high First Shot Recoil Multiplier, and this is something that you will need to adjust to when firing at enemies beyond ~25m. 

Tengu has more stable horizontal recoil than most SMGs.

All that said, you will run into damage degradation and Pellet Spread issues long before recoil becomes a problem. So aside from the mentioned FSRM, recoil is not something you should overly concern yourself with when using Tengu.

NSX Tengu Horizontal Recoil

Misc Stats

ADS Time To / From: 0.15 sec / 0.15 sec
ADS Movespeed Multiplier: 0.75x
Minimap Detect Range: 40m
Equip / Unequip Time: 0.65 sec / 0.25 sec

All of these are standard for an SMG.



Tengu has access to a variety of 1x and 2x scopes, including HS/NV scope. As always, the choice will depend only on your personal preference, but generally speaking, there’s no reason to use anything other than 1x CCLR scope. 


Flash Suppressor

This is the standard recommended attachment for most weapons, as it provides a bit of concealment at nearly no cost. Increased minimap detection range can mess with you, giving away your position to enemies outside your effective range, so if you do a lot of solo flanking, you may prefer to run Suppressor or no barrel attachment instead. 


Suppressor will reduce your ranged damage, reducing your Damage Per Second by up to 13%. Tengu sounds loud when you shoot it, but it sounds much quieter to other players around you. And the Suppressor makes Tengu nearly inaudible

Suppressor is a great attachment for flanking SMG Infiltrators and Light Assaults, who usually have more thoughtful and deliberate engagements, against unaware or weakened enemies. Having more time to ADS and aim properly will further reduce the effects of damage penalty.

However, it doesn’t make much sense to use Suppressor for aggressive pushing and hectic CQC skirmishes, as you’re likely to be spotted or lit up by a Motion Spotter anyway.


Tengu has access to Extended Mags (+4 rounds per mag), Darklight Flashlight and Hybrid Laser attachment.

Hybrid Laser reduces hip Pellet Spread and Hip CoFs by 20%. 

On paper, both Hybrid Laser and Extended Mags are viable. I’ve used both, and have been satisfied with their performance. 

The problem with Hybrid Laser build, is that Tengu has worse hip fire performance than other SMGs, and Hybrid Laser is inferior to Advanced Laser Sight.

 You would think that 20% reduction to Pellet Spread and 20% reduction to Hip Fire CoFs come together and equate to 40% reduction to Hip Fire CoFs of ALS, but it doesn’t actually work like that. Effectively, you still get a 20% reduction versus 40% reduction.

And given the fact that Tengu has worse hip fire capabilities than other SMGs even before the attachments, it doesn’t make much sense to go with Hybrid Laser.

It’s certainly a viable attachment, you can make it work, but objectively Extended Mags is better, especially when used by flanking classes – Light Assault and SMG Infiltrator.


Tengu has access only to Soft Point Ammunition, and should always be used with it.

Recommended Attachments

This is a cookie cutter build if you don’t know which attachments to pick for your playstyle.

  • 1x CCLR
  • Flash Suppressor
  • Soft Point Ammunition
  • Extended Mags

Gameplay Tips

First and foremost, you must realize that Tengu’s hip fire is much worse than for other SMGs. You almost never want to hip fire, unless the enemy is just a few meters away. So in almost any engagement you want to be aiming down sights.

Other than that, Tengu plays a lot like other SMGs, so feel free to check out the corresponding sections of the SMG Guide and SMG Infiltrator Guide.

Remember to close the distance before engaging, when possible.

Take advantage of Tengu’s short reload. After killing one enemy, you almost always want to take a step back and reload, unless you’re flanking several enemies from a really good position, and can kill all of them at once.

Get a good sidearm, and get good with it. You’re gonna be relying on it a lot, similarly to other SMGs. 

Be careful about engaging enemies in partial cover. You won’t be dealing much damage to them.

When engaging enemies at range, you can boost your accuracy by being still or crouching. Just be careful about being sniper bait.


Tengu is the most competitive weapon in the whole NSX lineup. It is very effective, and will serve most players much better than Cyclone ever will – and that weapon is universally regarded as the best SMG. Unlike other SMGs, Tengu is friendly to newbies and low-aim players. It has the best qualities of shotguns and SMGs, while doing away with their worst qualities. 

Tengu is much easier to use than other 200+ damage weapons, while still letting you enjoy the feeling of impactful, high damage shots.

Worth buying?

Tengu is a must buy if you have any intention of using SMGs. 

However, at the end of the day, all SMGs have limited firepower and effective range. Most classes will have a more versatile CQC primary weapon option. If you don’t have a reason to use an SMG, you don’t have a reason to use Tengu.

Combat Medic Loadout: Swiss Army Knife

In this guide you will find color-coded references to other guides and materials: 


Combat Medics are a staple of PlanetSide 2 organized gameplay. They are always universally useful and welcome into any squad composition. PlanetSide 2 is a constant battle, and in every battle there are killed and wounded. The more medics there are, the easier it is to keep the push alive. Everyone knows that. 

Combat Medics – along with Engineer – are the most often recommended class for newbies to play. Everyone always talks about how easy it is for medics to make copious amounts of certs simply by healing and reviving their more competent comrades.

However, no one ever talks about medic’s versatility and firepower, and new players often mistakenly assume that healing and reviving is the only thing they can do, and the only thing that’s expected of them.

The two-dimensional “revivebot”, “med tool primary” playstyle is easy to enter, but doesn’t leave much room for improvement, and does not force the player to improve by learning situational awareness, weapon handling, picking proper engagements and working with the team to accomplish objectives. 

By explaining the idea behind this loadout, I hope to illustrate that even a single medic can be much more than just a revive bot – a competitive and powerful fighting unit. 

The Loadout

The overall idea behind this loadout is to provide you with maximum versatility, so you can be a “one man army inside a bigger army”. You’re very capable by yourself, but in the end PlanetSide 2 is a team game, and you get vastly more powerful by fighting alongside your allies, and accomplishing objectives together.

The best part is – most of this loadout is either provided for free, cheap to get, or something that you’re gonna enjoy using on other classes as well.

Primary Weapon

The default Assault Rifle

 T1 Cycler
T1 Cycler

NC1 Gauss Rifle
NC1 Gauss Rifle

Pulsar VS1
Pulsar VS1

This shouldn’t be surprising. These rifles are well known for their versatility, for never being the worst choice for any situation. They offer a perfect balance between accuracy and firepower. They can win headshot duels with HAs at any range, and they can hip fire spray enemies in close quarters. These are the weapons that bring Assault Rifles the fame of being the best weapon class. 

These weapons are faction specific, so they will play a bit differently. Cycler with its high DPS and large mag favors aggressive pushing and can sometimes kill several enemies before needing to reload. In contrast, Gauss Rifle favors a more cautious ranged approach, though in close quarters it can ensure very quick kills with headshots. Pulsar VS1 plays as something between these two, favoring quick reloads between engagements. 

Recommended attachments: 1x or 2x scope, Forward Grip, Flash Suppressor (low priority). 

These weapons are generally not effective at ranges that would warrant higher magnification. In other words, if the target is too small to be comfortably shot with a 1x scope, it’s probably out of your range anyway. Forward Grip serves to improve weapon’s ranged accuracy. Even the Gauss Rifle, that has great horizontal recoil in stock form, benefits from it greatly.

It will also help your headshot accuracy, and you definitely want to go for headshots when you can easily get them at close range duels, and when going against tough targets such as Heavy Assaults. It’s the only way to beat good players. 


A thoughtful sidearm choice is important for a Combat Medic, as this will be your go-to weapon when you get engaged while reviving or reloading. Re-equipping your Assault Rifle with a Forward Grip will take a full second, whereas a sidearm can be equipped twice as fast. 

NS-44 Commissioner

NS-44 Commissioner – this weapon doesn’t need much introduction. Commissioner is universally known as the best sidearm in PlanetSide 2 and there’s a good reason for it: overwhelming damage. Commissioner can kill a shielded Heavy Assault with double tap headshots in 0.35 seconds. 

It is effective to the point that when running with a low DPS primary, I’ve started bringing out Commissioner when going into close quarters. It is that good. However, Commissioner requires good accuracy, and especially rewards headshots. If you find yourself completely incapable of hitting headshots, or if you don’t want to challenge yourself, you can always fall back on your faction-specific burst pistol:

TX1 Repeater
TX1 Repeater

LA3 Desperado
LA3 Desperado


These can get relatively easy kills by simply spamming them in general direction of the enemy. Within certain range, they can even go for headshots. 

Med Tool

Eventually, you want to upgrade this to maximum rank. It does take a fair amount of certs, but you’re expected to do this anyway, as long as you have any intention of playing Combat Medic somewhat seriously. Upgrading increases healing and reviving speed, as well as the amount of health that MAXes have after reviving.

I recommend you check out the Med Tool’s ground rules in Czern’s Combat Medic Guide. 

Even if you’re being completely selfish, reviving fallen allies gives you an extra meat shield, more targets for enemies to shoot at. This is the Medic’s way of gaining a combat advantage when compared to HA. 


Nano-Regen Device

Nano Regen Device. Having an on-demand AOE heal is a big part of what makes you a swiss army knife. It leaves your utility slot open for C4, and both your implant slots for something more useful than Regeneration. You can also heal nearby allies better, as Med Tool takes a long time even when fully upgraded.

Upgrading the NRD is cheap, but not necessary, as you only get a minor boost to energy regeneration. 

Shield Recharging Field can potentially provide powerful combat advantages, but they kinda tether you to a specific area, and in this way limit your mobility. With NRD you’re free to always been on your feet, and mobility is a big part of versatility.

Suit Slot

Nanoweave Armor. It gives you more breathing room in infantry combat, and a necessary advantage against Heavy Assaults. It is perfectly fine to sit on Rank 4, which only takes 211 certs. 


Frag Grenade. It’s not very effective, but it’s free, straightforward to use and versatile: it can be used to damage infantry behind cover, force enemies to relocate, and even snipe deployables.

If you wish, you can choose to use Revive Grenades. They can potentially be very powerful, and certainly bring more certs than Frags, but they’re also more situational. 



C-4. Again, a bit part of being a Swiss Army Knife. With this you can deal serious damage to Sunderers, and help destroy them as part of a team effort, and you can also oneshot tanks,  Harassers, MAXes and infantry. Very powerful stuff.

It does require close range, and as a Medic you won’t have a lot of success in chasing vehicles on your two feet, but the important part is that you will be able to do something when an opportunity presents itself.


Power Knife (low priority) or standard knife. The reason I recommend a power knife is that it’s almost as good at quick-knifing, but also provides a very powerful wielded option. It is hard to use, especially without habit, and situational at the same time. However, you can’t ignore the power of killing infantry by touching their toe. 


Battle Hardened. This is the only “mandatory” implant. Medics are often fighting face to face, and they’re often right in the thick of things, including in positions being bombarded by screen-shaking explosives. 

You’re free to use anything else in your second slot. There are almost no wrong choices there. 

The Playstyle

Combat Medic is a very interesting class to play. It’s probably the only class that delves into every aspect of skilled gameplay to such a high extent. You have to master everything:

Weapon Mechanics and Gunplay in order to succeed in firefights, especially against superior enemies, such as Heavy Assaults. This includes Situational Awareness, so you can avoid getting ambushed by more mobile or stealthy enemies, such as Light Assaults and Infiltrators.

Teamwork and Battle Flow, so you can work with your allies and keep each other alive and accomplish the objective.

Combat Medics don’t have the best firepower nor mobility, so you have to compensate with wits and skill. However, you’re not entirely at a disadvantage. You get a reliable and braindeadly effective Assault Rifle, and a meat wall of allies to absorb enemy fire. 

The gist of the playstyle is the cycle of:

  1. Spawn at a location. 
  2. Find a group of allies to follow.
  3. Stay behind someone’s back or be ready to retreat if you take point.
  4. When you see enemies – engage if you can, retreat when you have to. Always keep C4 in mind, it’s an effective tool when you can sneak up on tanks or MAXes. Against Sunderers – it’s better to push up together with the team. 
  5. When your allies go down or need healing, revive or heal if it’s safe to do so. Don’t be a resbot, and take responsibility. Refresh on the Czern’s Med Tool Rules, if you have to.
  6. If you get entrenched for too long, don’t be afraid to lurk around for a flank, you can do a lot of damage on your own, and worst case – you die and have to walk from the Sunderer. 
  7. Keep fighting and pushing together until you accomplish whatever you came for, or get hopelessly wiped, or just decide to go elsewhere. In any case, return to point 1.

Have no bad feelings about abandoning a hopeless fight. It is not rare for an ally to place a Sunderer so poorly that you will just get repeatedly farmed without ever having a chance of success. This usually happens when the enemy spawn room is between your Sunderer and the objective.