All posts by Iridar


Explanation of upcoming melee changes

Links for reference: 

Standard Knife – Wielded Melee

  • Refire time from 500ms to 400ms

Refire Time is time between melee swings. This change will allow standard knives to perform wielded attacks a bit faster.

  • Sprint Block override from 300ms to 250ms
  • Ability Block override from 500ms to 300ms

I assume these override times refer to the delay before you can sprint or use abilities, like cloak, after you have swung your knife.

This is different from Sprint Recovery Time, which refers to how fast you can swing a knife after sprinting.

Quick Knife attacks use Sprint Recovery Time of the item you currently have in your hands. It’s equal to 0.3 second for most, if not all, infantry weapons.

Wielded Knife attacks ignore Sprint Recovery Time, and can now be performed out of sprint. 

Performing a melee attack will still kick you out of sprint, and subject you to aforementioned Sprint Block Override, but you will not slow down until the melee attack is actually performed (source).

These changes will make moving about and engaging targets in melee easier and more convenient and responsive.

  • Projectile lifespan from 0.1 seconds to 0.12 seconds

When you perform a wielded knife attack, your knife functions like a gun, and fires an invisible bullet that travels at 13 m/s.

That bullet exists for “Projectile Lifespan” amount of time, and if it doesn’t hit anything during that time, it just disappears. 

These changes will effectively boost the maximum range from 1.3 meters to 1.56 meters.

Keep in mind that range is relative to the position you “fired” the bullet from. If the enemy is running away, the bullet might disappear before catching up to him. But it should be much easier to hit an enemy if he’s just backpedaling from you.

  • Projectile collision radius from 0.1 to 0.2 (non-power knives only)

This refers to the hitbox of that invisible projectile. I assume it is measured in meters.

After this change, aiming a wielded knife strike will be a bit more forgiving.

Power Knife – Quick Attack

  • Now uses a standard “melee swing” during quick melee

When you perform a quick melee with a standard knife, your knife automatically strikes one target in a wide arc in front of you.

Previously, power knives had the “invisible bullet” hit detection method even when used in quick melee, which made them clunky and punishing, penalizing the user for not choosing a standard knife for a quick melee attack.

After these changes, power knives will use the same “wide arc” method of hit detection when used in quick melee attacks, making them more reliable finishers in a frantic gunfight gone melee.

  • Animation duration from 625ms to 450ms

As it sounds, just going to make the animation a bit faster. It was unrealistically slow before.

  • Firing delay from 125ms to 0ms

Refers to the delay before the invisible projectile fires after you have clicked “fire” button. I assume this delay was in place to make the knife swing coincide with the invisible bullet leaving the invisible barrel.

Naturally, this delay is getting removed, as it will now use the same “wide arc” hit detection.

  • Detection range from 5m to 0m

This refers to minimap detection range when you use your weapon. To be honest, I didn’t even know power knives had this mechanic, but from these patch notes we can assume that it will remain in wielded mode.

  • Sprint Block override from 450ms to 300ms
  • Ability block override from 500ms to 333ms

Same as for standard knives, this change will make power knives more convenient and fluid.

Power Knife – Wielded

  • Refire time from 500ms to 675ms
  • Firing delay from 125ms to 75ms
  • Projectile lifespan from 0.1 seconds to 0.12 seconds

Power Knife – Activated

  • Refire time from 500ms to 675ms
  • Firing delay from 125ms to 75ms
  • Projectile lifespan from 0.1 seconds to 0.12 seconds

Power knives in wielded mode are also getting buffs to effective range and a reduction to firing delay. 

They are also getting a small nerf to refire time. The goal is to make a bigger gap in speed and power between standard and power knives, and to balance for the fact that individual swings will be easier to hit now.

 Personal Take

This solid set of changes comes as a huge and welcome surprise. 

Most people will not care about these changes, but there is a small and dedicated part of the community that enjoys stealthy melee play and breathtaking and daring melee charges in direct combat, and they will find these changes most welcome.

These changes will make knives less frustrating without making them overpowered. For once, DBG did exactly what was needed, not more, not less. Color me impressed.

I also endlessly appreciate the detail DBG puts into their patchnotes, this makes it much easier to write articles such as this one.


At least 20% effective range buff in wielded move. Knives will also be overall more responsive and convenient to use.

WoW Addons: Epic Hunter Sounds

World of Warcraft is a great MMORPG, but it’s dated and it shows. The new character animations that came in Legion are great, but I’ve always been more of a sound kinda guy, so I find that adding a frivolous amount of custom sound effects to events and abilities can really spice up the dusty game.


There are several ways to attach custom sounds to events and abilities. The easiest way is to use the TellMeWhen addon:


This addon has a huge amount of features, and can be overwhelming to try and figure out, but it’s definitely worth the effort, because you can track almost anything with it.

Basic idea is to create a new icon, that will show on “succesfful cast” combat event, and play a custom sound when that happens. You don’t actually need the icon to show up, so check “always hidden” checkbox. 

WeakAuras is a popular alternative that can do this as well.


Burst activation and deactivation sounds


These are stored in WoW files, so you don’t need to download them, just use these sound paths in TellMeWhen.

Marksmanship Hunter Gun Sound Pack
(12 files)


Includes: Aimed Shot, Piercing Shot, Counter Shot, Binding Shot (one sound for cast, one for stun), Black Arrow, Arcane Shot, Multi Shot, Bursting Shot, Bloodlust (Heroism, etc), Chimaera Shot (remnant of the old days).

You can configure TellMeWhen yourself or just import this group:

!!! Put sound files into this folder: 

World of Warcraft\Sound\MM

Marksmanship Hunter Bow Sound Pack
(31 file)


Perfect for Thas’dora in bow form. Also check out Barrage Alt 2 and Marked Shot Alt further below to complete the archery sound profile. 

Includes: Aimed Shot, Piercing Shot + Windburst, Counter Shot, Binding Shot (cast only), Black Arrow, Arcane Shot, Multi Shot, Bursting Shot, Bloodlust (Heroism, etc), Exhiliration plus a few unassigned files.

You can configure TellMeWhen yourself or just import this group:

!!! Put sound files into this folder: 

World of Warcraft\Sound\MMA

Beast Mastery Sound Pack
(10 files)


Includes sound for casting: A Murder of Crows, Cobra Shot, Kill Command, Dire Beast and Stampede. Also a pump shotgun version of the Multishot.

More sound files
(29 files)


Includes: gunshot and blaster sounds, weapon loading sounds, shattered glass. Possible sound effects for A Murder of Crows, Stampede, Kill Command, Cobra Shot.

Classic WoW Gunshot Sounds


Warlords of Draenor replaced classic gunshot sounds with new, terrible, muffled sounds. To bring old sounds back, just put the sound files into this folder:

World of Warcraft\Sound\Spells

This is just an example of what I’m using. I encourage all of you to seek your own custom sounds that would make your gameplay more epic and unique.













Made with “blaster” *pew-pew* sounds in MoreSoundFilesPack above.




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