Comments on: Carbines Fri, 26 Jul 2019 15:21:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: InvaderFox Sat, 06 Jul 2019 13:06:02 +0000 As of July 2019, The Horizon and Charger’s guides are outdated. The Charger now sports 7 bullets of higher damage shots per magazine but is still limited by its long reload times. The Horizon however is now a 167/600 weapon comparable to the Mercenary but with best in the game hipfire and airborne hipfire, less ammo per battery (when used with the mandatory capsulate ammunition) and generally worse ADS performance at higher ranges.

By: Zetab_S Tue, 23 Apr 2019 09:48:48 +0000 I think VE-C Horizon’s letter color is not purple. Isn’t wrong color?

By: Iridar Sun, 19 Aug 2018 12:26:42 +0000 Sorry, but I don’t currently have time to do that. The vertical axis of the graph shows probability, and horizontal axis of the graph shows the distance traveled by the crosshair from its original position.

For example, if you take a look at the graph for Eclipse, you can see that the crosshair spends ~35% of time at zero position (exactly at the point where the crosshair was when you started firing), 50% of time 0.2 degrees away from the original crosshair position, and ~15% of time 0.4 degrees away.

The probability distribution graph – when combined with Average and Maximum Horizontal Deviation numbers – allows to objectively judge how good is the weapon’s horizontal recoil.

Ideally, you want both Horizontal Deviations to be as small as possible.

The number of bumps on the graph will tell you the number of “kicks” a gun can potentially have in one direction, while the size of these bumps will tell you how likely it is.

I came up with this graph idea after my Cyclone fiasco, where I argued that the weapon is not as good as people say because it could potentially have a lot of horizontal kicks, but it turned out getting the maximum number of kicks is highly unlikely.

By: Ufio Sun, 19 Aug 2018 12:20:16 +0000 Can you do horrizontal recoil probility distribution graph tutorial on youtube. I dont really understand what it means from the website, and also could you do these graphs for lmgs. It would be much appreciated. Thanks!

By: Ufio Tue, 24 Jul 2018 20:35:08 +0000 I agree. I have over 2000 kills on the EM1 and I really want believe it is a good gun but it really does not provide the player enough support as a gun to fallback on when making an assaulting push considering you are a heavy. And the situations where is performs well is only when the situation optimally presents itself. A finally the list he mentioned about the list with the Anchor is very accurate in terms of practicality, but I feel the Anchor really doesn’t deserve a 9.5 rating because well lmgs in general even an Adv.laser still doesnt have a good hipfire and like the high rate of fire ones on the other factions and the Anchor just has a much hard recoil pull overall when ADSing which doesnt really help either especially considering its high 1st shot recoil multiplier which ruins bursting. I feel the NC Lmgs are overall at very bad place compared to the other factions except the Promise(they did something right there). I might come off as biased but I wish the 600rpm@167 guns are just too middle of the road and needs to bump the gun rof to at least 630 like the Bandit or atleast needs to have the a lower recoil because I just love the Jackal recoil on that thing is a myth so placing continuous headshots consistantly is so easy, I really dont know why people complain about that gun.

By: Iridar Thu, 28 Jun 2018 10:48:06 +0000 You’re commenting in the Carbine Guide, not LMG one. As for EM1 – it doesn’t really have anything going for it. Low DPS, unremarkable stats overall. If you’re gonna use a low DPS 143 damage weapon, NS-15 is a superior choice, since it gets 75% ADS speed.

By: Lee Thu, 28 Jun 2018 10:30:54 +0000 I’d like to know why the EM1 is rated so badly. After seeing that so low. I question that list. But then maybe it’s just his bias for the anchor that makes him think its a bad gun, but still… I’ve almost auraxiumed it and I think its 10x better than the gauss saw and EM6, I hate a gun that can’t hipfire in an oh shit moment.

By: Iridar Fri, 04 May 2018 19:11:01 +0000 For quick and dirty, I’d say it’s something like this: Jaguar > Bandit > GD-7F = Serpent > Rest. You could also ask infantry mentors on PS2 discord for a more expert opinion. Maybe eventually I’ll create a tier list with their help, but it takes more time than I care to invest right now.

Tier List boils down to rating weapons based on finding best combinations of affinity for CQC while retaining some overall versatility and good balance of stats.

By: Ufio Fri, 04 May 2018 17:57:50 +0000 Can you please provide a sort of a Ranked Carbine List like you did for the LMGs.
