Comments on: Construction System Guide Wed, 30 Jan 2019 02:12:34 +0000 hourly 1 By: sundymanvs Wed, 30 Jan 2019 02:12:34 +0000 flail is not designed to remove skyshield
ipc is designed to remove it.

By: Statement Thu, 24 Jan 2019 17:15:07 +0000 Vehicle terminals can be hacked and used contrary to current information, but I think the criteria to spawn vehicles is that the silo needs to have > 20k Cortium in it.

By: Danath Wed, 19 Sep 2018 13:00:49 +0000 Forgot to add, Pain Spire, like Spawn Tube, becomes active the moment it is deployed.

By: Danath Wed, 19 Sep 2018 12:31:05 +0000 Spawn Tube:
“Note: this functionality is currently broken, and it’s possible to respawn on any Tube from any range.”
Looks like they fixed this, can’t spawn in my own spawn tube from too far without binding.

Reinforcements Module
“If you have a Sunderer deployed in range of this module,”
Its area of effect highlights the Spawntube, so I guess it works with it too. Hard to tell for sure

Destroying an Orbital Strike Uplink
Seems like they finally fixed this, they are rather easy to destroy now, powered by silo or not.
Core’s shield goes down with about 3 Vulcan-H extended magazines. Once the core is destroyed the explosion will happen in 5 seconds. Explosion will destroy an MBT close enough, but barely damages even modules.

By: Iridar Thu, 02 Aug 2018 11:10:46 +0000 You confused me there for a minute with “Skyguard”. I assume you meant Skywall. Skygard is an AA flak cannon for the Lightning.

Like I said in Closing, I hold the opinion that passive defenses by themselves can delay the enemy, but not protect your base, even from a single enemy.

If you’re tight on certs, I wouldn’t spend them on anything related to Construction. Just leave your base naked and hope nobody bothers with it.

However, I don’t usually build OS bases myself, so you should ask for more expert opinion on reddit or discord.

By: Lee Thu, 02 Aug 2018 10:20:19 +0000 I’m a little tight on the certs side, do you think that Skyguard, turret AI module alone are sufficient enough to sustain a orbital strike on a server in off peak. I don’t want to spend too much and I don’t really want to man the base, probably just drop down a spawn beacon in place as a poor mans ellisium tube and once completed entirely block off access the the outside world protecting whats inside of it.

By: James Yeatrakas Wed, 25 Jul 2018 15:49:36 +0000 “While you can construct objects outside of a Silo’s range, they will decay rapidly and disappear within minutes, even if they don’t require a constant supply of Cortium to function (e.g. a Pillbox).”

Is correct to a point. If you place a repair module INSIDE the silos range and within range of the object OUTSIDE of its range, the module will keep the object from decaying. I build all my PMB’s (compounds) with my structures outside the perimeter of the silo to maintain clear fields of fire within the compound. I place them outside a gate with the entrance facing the gate. I place structure shield modules, repair modules and Pain Spires on the inside of the silo perimeter to block the entrances to those objects from infiltrators. I place a ramp facing the open area of the gate on the INSIDE of the perimeter to prevent access to specialized Sunderers from entering those gates. I leave one gate available for access into and out of the compound. My compound defense is constructed along the silo perimeter (100 meters from the silo) with a Wall, then a Gate, then a Wall, then a Gate and so on. This allows spacing enough to place a pain spire at every Gate. My turrets, ideally are placed with the AV and AA on the OUTSIDE of the perimeter protected by the same repair modules protecting the buildings. The are visible to anybody from afar, whether they are inside or outside of the perimeter anyway so why clutter the inner areas with them. The exception is the Anti Personnel turrets place 50 meters from the silo all around it. I place two Flails and Glaives (a battery) in my compounds. One battery inside and one outside the perimeter but close enough to be repaired by the repair modules and powered by the AI modules. They must face each other on the opposite compass points, 200 meters from each other. I call this PMB structure a Carousel Compound because when you look at it from the air all the structures outside the walls look like a Carousel. You can look at the ideal compound (though not supportable with cortium in most cases) at my facebook page /YankeeBastid in the video section.

By: Iridar Wed, 25 Jul 2018 15:21:08 +0000 Fixed, thanks.

By: James Yeatrakas Wed, 25 Jul 2018 15:18:39 +0000
By default, players can buy: Cortium Silo, AI Turret, Rampart Wall, Bunker and HIVE.” Should be amended to drop “and HIVE.”

By: Iridar Wed, 18 Jul 2018 17:22:03 +0000 Thanks for your contributions, I will add them to the guide.

On turbo – didn’t the Flash turbo used to work the same way? I vividly recall people pretty much flying with it. Was it changed?
